Show events in April

46 days before event
Doggie na Harbor vol.11

A fun harbor event for everyone, whether you are with your family, alone, or with your doggie!

Venue さんばしひろば(千葉県千葉市中央区中央港)
Address 千葉県 千葉市中央区
Date 2025/4/5 - 2025/4/6
53 days before event
Spring Footpath Walk

This is a walking event to experience the rich nature and far-reaching history of northeastern Ichih...

Venue 集合:市原市立市東中学校グラウンド コース:市原市東国吉(ひがしくによし)周辺 ゴール:東国吉遊育の森
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2025/4/12
61 days before event
Ichihara Hatachi Trolley 2025

Join us with those who have helped you to find the starting point of your life ?.

Venue JR五井駅(集合・解散ともに同場所)
Address 千葉県 市原市
Date 2025/4/20 - 2025/4/20
68 days before event
Ensemble ・ Clara The 15th Regu...

This is a regular concert of a string ensemble in Chiba city. Why don't you come and be healed by th...

Venue 〒260-0045 千葉県千葉市中央区弁天3丁目7−7 千葉市生涯学習センター・2Fホール
Address 千葉県 千葉市中央区
Date 2025/4/27